Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hawaiian Punch Marshmallows!

Hey, how 'bout a nice Hawaiian Punch
I grew up with this wonderful, sugary drink...and the commercials. I can't count how many times I heard Punchy ask the ever suffering Opie if he wanted a nice Hawaiian Punch.
If you grew up in the 60s & 70s..then you probably can't either! The original flavor (and still my favorite) is Fruit Juicy Red. I remember watching my Mom punch holes in the metal can it came in back then. It rarely lasted through the day in our house. 
I ran across this Hawaiian Punch Snow Cone Syrup at Wal-mart a few days ago. cool would it be to make this into marshmallows?! So, along with the punch itself and some powdered mix, that is just what I did. :o)
Hawaiian Punch drink, singles to go and snow cone syrup..all in the Fruit Juicy Red flavor will produce a yummy and pretty in pink marshmallow.
 You will also need unflavored gelatin, light corn syrup, salt, sugar, egg whites & confectioners sugar.
Sprinkle the unflavored gelatin over the punch, stir & set aside.
 This is what the sugar mixture looks like right before it reaches the soft-ball stage.
 Then..add the *bloom* (gelatin mixture)
and remove from heat.
 After beating egg whites, add hot syrup, mixing on low speed. Whisk on high speed for 10 minutes.
 Pour the marshmallows into a pan lightly sprayed with non-stick spray. Let stand overnight if possible, but at least 4 hours. Marshmallows are a sticky business, but are unmanageable if they aren't allowed to "cure" properly. Really they are! 
 Dreamy~Fluffy~Soft Pink
 I used a drink packet mixed with confectioners sugar to coat my finished marshmallows.
Cut~Coat~Enjoy :o)
Recipe below
Hawaiian Punch Marshmallows
 2 Tablespoons plus 1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup cold Fruit Juicy Red snow cone syrup
2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup Fruit Juicy Red drink
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large egg whites
Confectioners sugar & Fruit Juicy Red drink mix
Sprinkle gelatin over the snow cone syrup in a small bowl. Set aside. In a heavy bottomed, straight sided saucepan, mix together granulated sugar, fruit punch drink, corn syrup and salt. Place over medium heat stirring until sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking, without stirring until mixture reaches soft ball stage. Remove from heat, add gelatin and set aside. In mixer, with whisk attachment, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. With mixer on low speed, carefully add the sugar mixture. Turn mixer on high speed and continue whisking for 10 minutes. Pour the marshmallows into prepared pan (sprayed with non-stick spray). Let stand overnight or at least 4 hours. Sprinkle work surface with confectioners sugar mixed with a packet of fruit punch mix. Turn out marshmallows onto the sugar mixture and cut. I used cookie cutters dusted with 10 x sugar. You can also use a long sharp knife or pizza cutter lightly sprayed with non-stick spray. Toss in sugar mixture.
Thank you for visiting my blog!
Happy Baking and Creating
Sugartown Sweets!
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