Friday, November 30, 2018

Red Kissed Nosed Reindeer Treats

"It's🎜that time of year when the world falls in🎝love..with reindeer!

Since I've only had two Kit Kat crafts this year (with these Christmas trees 🎄 being one of them), I thought it would very Christmassy of me to post another!

These reindeer treats are so easy to make and even easier to eat!

Let's make some! 

 I thought I would use Hershey Kisses and Cherry Sours for my reindeer noses.
But the Kisses were perfect, so no cherry noses!
To make the pretzel antlers, I cut them in half, dipped them in chocolate, and then gently pressed them into a plate full of chocolate sprinkles.
I let them rest there in all those yummy sprinkles until the chocolate hardened.
Make sure to make extra for sampling. Santa's helpers are extra hungry this time of year!
Aren't these antlers just the cutest!?
These reindeer are super simple to make. But first, just use a sharp knife to "break off a piece of that Kit Kat bar."

Melt some chocolate wafers to attach all the candy pieces. I did snip off the end of the paper strip from the Kisses. 
Before attaching the candy at the corners with the chocolate "glue", I turned the longer pieces on their sides. I left the miniature bars right side up.

Let chocolate harden.
Now just attach remaining pieces and let set.

"Hey, Clarice, did you hear that?
Somebody thinks we're cute!!"
"So these are antlers, not ears, Rudi!!"
Three reindeer reporting for duty!
Merry Christmas To All!

Ho Ho Ho, Karen!💖