Sunday, October 31, 2021

Candy Filled Pumpkin Patch

It's a big day at Sugartown Sweets. We are celebrating 10 years of creating fun and yummy treats.

My love of sweets goes way back to as far as I can remember. Mama always had something delicious for Daddy and us girls waiting in the kitchen. Nothing ever lasted very long, so when she would begin cooking up another new treat or fresh batch of.. well, anything, I was right underfoot ready to lick the beaters or sample the cookie dough. These are some of my favorite memories with my precious Mama. 

She made cakes, cookies, candies, puddings, pies..really anything and everything with sugar. Maybe that's why my Mama was so sweet.

You sure are loved and missed, Mama.💕

I used a 12 ounce bag of (almost all of it) orange candy melts, pretzel sticks for stems, green icing for leaves, and M&Ms to fill my pumpkins.
I was going to use some green petal dust on my leaves, but I forgot!
Not pictured, chocolate chips.

This will make 7 pumpkins with one half left over.

I also used a 15 cavity hexagonal silicone mold, piping bags, and a leaf tip.

I filled my piping bag halfway with candy melts and melted them in the microwave in 30 second increments on 50% power. I kneaded the bag between each "zap" until melted and smooth.

Pipe melted candy into cavities and spread up the sides to the top. Tap pan on counter for air bubbles. Chill in fridge for 10 to 20 minutes.

Turn mold over and gently press out finished candies.

Fill half of the candy pumpkins with M&Ms.
Attach eyes and chocolate chips with a little melted candy. Using a Food Writer pen, draw fun smiles on your happy little pumpkins. Pipe leaf on top of pumpkins and attach a piece of pretzel stick to each.

I heated up a small pan on the stove to melt just the edges of the other half of the pumpkins and placed them on the filled halves to attach.

The cuteness! I've "Fall"en for them.😊

If you prefer them undecorated just leave them as is. Still cute.

I'm sure you've all heard of "punkin chunkin", but today, here at Sugartown Sweets, we are smashing ours to get to the sweet core of it! M&Ms..mmmm.😋


Mama was proud of all her kids and we were blessed to have her as our Mom.💕

I'm so thankful to know she had accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. We hold fast to the promise that we will see her again in Heaven some sweet day.

February 1944 - October 2021

John 3:16

"til we sweet again, Karen💗