Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cinnamon Sugar Pecans

Christmas is the time of year to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

It's also a time for giving, and gifts given from the heart truly are the best. That is what I'm trying to do this year. 

This will be my first Christmas without my precious Mama, and I'm going way back to my childhood memories when Mama and Daddy would fill our stockings-which happened to be tube socks-with oranges, apples, tangerines, nuts, and candies. This will be the tradition that I will carry on with my family for every Christmas going forward.

My first-born grandson will be reading from Luke:2 on Christmas eve, which he began doing as soon as he learned to read.

There will be Christmas dinner and my goodness, there will be sweets. My Mama was the queen of sweets and whatever she made, it was delicious. These Cinnamon Sugar Pecans will be gracing the table along with many other goodies for the wonderful family which God has blessed me with. They are simple to make, taste yummy, and just make the house smell like Christmas! Let's make some!                                                      

You will need: pecan halves, granulated sugar, cream of tartar, cinnamon, corn syrup, and water.

Combine all ingredients except pecans in saucepan.

Cook over medium heat stirring until sugar dissolves. Continue cooking without stirring to firm ball stage (246 degrees F.)

Once the candy reaches 246 degrees, remove from heat, add pecans, and stir well to combine.

Pour candy onto parchment lined pan using two forks to separate coated pecans.

I was so busy trying to get photos that I didn't get my nuts separated as quickly as I should have. But, still good!

Cinnamon Sugar Pecans

2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
1/2 cup water
3 cups pecan halves

Combine all ingredients except pecans in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Continue cooking without stirring until candy mixture reaches 246 degrees F. Remove from heat, add pecans and stir until well combined.
Pour onto parchment lined pan and using two forks, separate nuts. Let cool and enjoy!

Store in airtight container for two weeks, in the fridge for three weeks or up to two months in the freezer.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:1-20

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗

Monday, December 6, 2021

Painted Christmas Tree Cookies

Festive Christmas Tree Cookies all ready for the holiday table!

I made these cut-out sugar cookies by cutting them freehand, piping with royal icing, letting them dry completely, and painting with green food color mixed with a little vanilla extract. I used Twizzlers Pull N Peel candies and Christmas sprinkles for decorations.

I think they turned out kinda cute!

So sorry to sweet and run!

John 3:16

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Candy Filled Pumpkin Patch

It's a big day at Sugartown Sweets. We are celebrating 10 years of creating fun and yummy treats.

My love of sweets goes way back to as far as I can remember. Mama always had something delicious for Daddy and us girls waiting in the kitchen. Nothing ever lasted very long, so when she would begin cooking up another new treat or fresh batch of.. well, anything, I was right underfoot ready to lick the beaters or sample the cookie dough. These are some of my favorite memories with my precious Mama. 

She made cakes, cookies, candies, puddings, pies..really anything and everything with sugar. Maybe that's why my Mama was so sweet.

You sure are loved and missed, Mama.💕

I used a 12 ounce bag of (almost all of it) orange candy melts, pretzel sticks for stems, green icing for leaves, and M&Ms to fill my pumpkins.
I was going to use some green petal dust on my leaves, but I forgot!
Not pictured, chocolate chips.

This will make 7 pumpkins with one half left over.

I also used a 15 cavity hexagonal silicone mold, piping bags, and a leaf tip.

I filled my piping bag halfway with candy melts and melted them in the microwave in 30 second increments on 50% power. I kneaded the bag between each "zap" until melted and smooth.

Pipe melted candy into cavities and spread up the sides to the top. Tap pan on counter for air bubbles. Chill in fridge for 10 to 20 minutes.

Turn mold over and gently press out finished candies.

Fill half of the candy pumpkins with M&Ms.
Attach eyes and chocolate chips with a little melted candy. Using a Food Writer pen, draw fun smiles on your happy little pumpkins. Pipe leaf on top of pumpkins and attach a piece of pretzel stick to each.

I heated up a small pan on the stove to melt just the edges of the other half of the pumpkins and placed them on the filled halves to attach.

The cuteness! I've "Fall"en for them.😊

If you prefer them undecorated just leave them as is. Still cute.

I'm sure you've all heard of "punkin chunkin", but today, here at Sugartown Sweets, we are smashing ours to get to the sweet core of it! M&Ms..mmmm.😋


Mama was proud of all her kids and we were blessed to have her as our Mom.💕

I'm so thankful to know she had accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. We hold fast to the promise that we will see her again in Heaven some sweet day.

February 1944 - October 2021

John 3:16

"til we sweet again, Karen💗

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Mom's Famous Prune Cake!


Need a great way to usher in Fall? How about baking up this delicious Prune Cake to celebrate your favorite season!? I think it's a sweet idea!

Growing up, my Mom always had a yummy treat baked or cooked up for us in the kitchen. Daddy had a sweet tooth that wouldn't quit and he passed that along to me! He absolutely loved this cake, which might explain why it was and continues to be one of my favorites.

Every once in a while, Mom would bake this cake up without chopped pecans. This was the way I preferred it. If you would rather have them, by all means add them to the recipe.

Now I am not the biggest fan of prunes or even baby food for that matter 😜, but this cake is incredible. Please don't count it out until you've tried it for yourself. You will thank me!

Way back when Mom made this cake, she used 2 large jars of baby food prunes. I had to Google to find out that 4 ounce containers equal the same as the old fashion large glass jars.

I had to go on a hunt! I thought about going with the prune apple variety or the organic prunes, but I wanted to keep the recipe authentic to the way my Mom made it and I finally found the Gerber prunes!

Mmmm...the smell of ground nutmeg and cinnamon!

Ok, this looks gross, but it definitely is not!

Let's bake this cake!

It baked up perfectly. I'm thrilled!

This buttermilk glaze is so quick and easy to whip up!
Actually there is no whipping involved.😅

Making the glaze to pour over the warm cake!

Oh yeah, baby!

The warm cake will absorb much of the glaze making it even more moist.

Y'all just need to make this cake! 😋

I hope you love it just as much as I do.

Mom's Famous Prune Cake Recipe

2 cups self-rising flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 canola oil
3 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
2 large (4 ounce) containers baby food prunes

Combine all ingredients in mixer bowl. Mix on medium speed for two minutes.

Pour into greased and floured 13 x 9 pan. Or you can use my favorite method of spraying the pan with "Pam w/Flour" baking spray.
Bake in a preheated oven @ 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
During the last 5 minutes of baking, cook the icing to pour over warm cake.

Buttermilk Glaze Icing

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 stick butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon Karo syrup

Combine all ingredients together in a saucepan over medium heat to boiling. Boil for 2 minutes while stirring. Pour over warm cake.

THANKS, MOM! I love you!

Happy Fall Y'all!

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗

John 3:16

Friday, August 27, 2021

Reese's Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting Filled Brownie Cups [revisited]

Today just happens to be, "Just Because" day!

It's also my son-in-law's birthday.

As I was searching back through the sweet years of Sugartown Sweets, these caught my eye. They have been requested by family and friends more than once! Yes, because they are so yummy!

So after sharing them with you all over seven years ago, I'm reposting them. Just Because! 

Here is the link  to this delectable treat!

You're welcome! 😋

John 3:16

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗

Thursday, July 29, 2021

(Does This Count For ) Christmas in July ~ Homemade Lemonade?!

I made some yummy, sweet and tart lemonade, y'all!

I always make a "Christmas in July" treat, so I'm making lemonade in my festive snowman jar to make this one count! 😜 

When life gives you lemons, 🍋🍋🍋
make lemonade!

Can't you just almost taste it!?

It just practically sings,🎵 Summertime, Summertime,

🎵Fa la la la la la la la la 🎵🎵

What could taste better while wrapping those Christmas gifts and singing Christmas carols than good old fashion homemade lemonade..unless some maybe hot cocoa?! 🎅😛

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Let's go soak up those last sunny beach days before school begins again!

Thanks for stopping by!
John 3:16

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Vanilla Fudge

Vanilla Fudge!

Every time I make a batch of homemade candy, I feel so accomplished. I know it's because as a child, I was in awe watching my Mama turn out yet another sweet and perfect confection. She grew up watching her own candy making Mama genius! Now I'm not saying I'm a candy making genius too, but with each and every sweet successful batch, I sure do feel like it! 😜

Memorial Day is just a few days away, and it is with heartfelt gratitude that we honor all of our fallen soldiers. They are the reason we all have the freedoms to enjoy time with our families as theirs mourn the loss of husbands, wives, sons, daughters, Dads, Moms, and more. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 💗

To make vanilla fudge, you will need a heavy bottomed four quart pot. To this, add butter, sugar, and evaporated milk. Stir to combine. Attach candy thermometer and cook, stirring continuously over medium heat until candy mixture reaches 235  degrees F. It took mine sixteen minutes.

Remove from heat, add in white chocolate chips and marshmallow creme, and stir until smooth. It took mine five minutes to incorporate. Add vanilla extract and stir until combined.

Pour candy into foil lined and buttered, 8 inch pan.

Let set.

Y'all, this is some good candy!

When candy has fully set, lift out of pan using the foil sides and cut into desired sized squares.

Vanilla Fudge Recipe

3 cups white sugar
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 (7 ounce) jar marshmallow creme
1 (12 ounce) bag white chocolate drops
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

To a heavy bottomed 4 quart pot, add butter, sugar, and evaporated milk. Stir to combine, attach candy thermometer, and cook over medium heat. Stir continuously until thermometer reaches 235 degrees F. This took mine 16 minutes. Remove from heat, add in marshmallow creme and white chocolate drops. Stir until chocolate drops are melted. This took mine about 5 minutes. Stir in vanilla. Pour candy into buttered and foil lined 8 inch pan. Make sure the foil overlaps on sides to make it easier to lift the candy out once completely set.
Once it has, lift out and cut into desired size pieces. 

I decorated mine with melted white chocolate drizzle and patriotic sprinkles. If you're planning a Memorial Day picnic, just place these in an airtight container and pop them in your cooler! 

Your fudge will last about two weeks in an airtight container at room temperature. If you want it to last a little longer, you can store it in the fridge for about 2 to 3 weeks. In the freezer, it will keep for up to 6 months. I've done this many times with my favorite Peanut Butter Fudge!

Thanks for stopping by!

John 3:16

'til we sweet again, Karen 💗